Popularity of Phobos modules/packages

Berni44 someone at somemail.com
Tue Apr 27 19:54:08 UTC 2021

I wondered about the popularity of Phobos' modules and used a 
search on GitHub to get a first idea:

I used searches like this: 

The result looks like this:

module | count | note
stdio         | 63,180 |
conv          | 47,297 |
algorithm     | 43,560 |
string        | 34,394 |
range         | 28,258 |
exception     | 27,217 |
traits        | 26,798 |
array         | 24,558 |
typecons      | 21,696 |
math          | 21,597 |
format        | 12,742 |
meta          |  9,644 |
datetime      |  9,101 |
file          |  8,272 |
container     |  7,723 |
utf           |  7,393 |
functional    |  6,694 |
ascii         |  6,597 |
random        |  6,514 |
numeric       |  6,255 |
uni           |  5,860 |
experimental  |  5,386 |
internal      |  5,259 |
path          |  5,188 |
socket        |  4,206 |
typetuple     |  4,160 | should not be used anymore
regex         |  3,958 |
variant       |  3,837 |
concurrency   |  3,785 |
bigint        |  3,692 |
bitmanip      |  3,660 |
process       |  2,908 |
parallelism   |  2,748 |
getopt        |  2,738 |
digest        |  2,139 |
json          |  1,909 |
windows       |  1,798 |
base64        |    856 |
encoding      |    828 |
system        |    805 |
net           |    764 |
uuid          |    753 |
complex       |    697 |
zlib          |    651 |
stdint        |    620 |
uri           |    570 |
compiler      |    443 |
xml           |    410 | deprecated
mmfile        |    410 |
signals       |    380 |
mathspecial   |    363 |
demangle      |    358 |
outbuffer     |    315 |
zip           |    278 |
csv           |    236 |
sumtype       |      4 | new, not yet in stable

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