DUB cannot fetch packages on Linux

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at outerproduct.org
Sun Aug 1 12:21:15 UTC 2021

Am 01.08.2021 um 08:03 schrieb Kirill:
> Whenever DUB tries to fetch a package, it returns the following:
> ```D
> Package bindbc-glfw not found for registry at https://code.dlang.org/ 
> (fallback ["registry at http://code.dlang.org/", "registry at 
> https://code-mirror.dlang.io/", "registry at 
> https://code-mirror2.dlang.io/", "registry at 
> https://dub-registry.herokuapp.com/"]): HTTP request returned status 
> code 503 (Service Unavailable)
> ```
> Is it linux-specific? Do you have any ideas what might be the problem here?

I'm not sure what the issue is exactly, but judging by the list of 
fallback servers, it appears that you have a relatively old version of 
DUB. In fact, none of those servers are available anymore, while the 
main fallback, codemirror.dlang.org is not there.

There was a brief downtime of under a minute at 3:47 UTC today, so 
without any fallbacks that could explain the error.

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