Implementing serialisation with minmal boilerplate and template overhead using core.reflect

Stefan Koch uplink.coder at
Sun Aug 15 11:18:57 UTC 2021

Good Day everyone,

A friend asked me recently of core.reflect could be used for 

The code to do that generically is about 100 lines of code.
Since it's so little I am just going to post it here verbatim.

class C { @("NoSerialize") ubyte a; uint b; @("NoSerialize") 
ulong c;
     this(ubyte a, uint b, ulong c)
         this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c;
struct S { @("NoSerialize") ubyte a; uint b; ubyte c; 
@("NoSerialize") ulong d; }

import core.reflect.reflect;
/// if a type is an aggregate type return the aggregate 
/// otherwise return null
AggregateDeclaration aggregateFromType(const Type type)
     AggregateDeclaration result = null;
     if (auto ts = cast(TypeStruct)type)
         result = ts.sym;
     } else if (auto tc = cast(TypeClass)type)
         result = tc.sym;
     return result;

bool hasNoSerializeAttrib(const Declaration d)
     bool NoSerialize = false;
         auto se = cast(StringLiteral)attr;
         if (se && se.string_ == "NoSerialize")
           NoSerialize = true;
     return NoSerialize;
   /// the only template in here. only one instances per 
   const(ubyte[]) serialize(T)(T value) {
     static immutable Type type = cast(immutable Type) 
     return serializeType(cast(ubyte*)&value, type);

   const(ubyte[]) serializeType(const ubyte* ptr, const Type type)
     // writeShallowTypeDescriptor(Type);
     // printf("Serializing type: %s\n", type.identifier.ptr);
     if (auto sa = cast (TypeArray) type)
         ulong length = sa.dim;
         const void* values = ptr;
         auto elemType = sa.nextOf;
         return serializeArray(length, ptr, elemType);
     else if (auto da = cast(TypeSlice) type)
         ulong length = *cast(size_t*) ptr;
         const void* values = *cast(const ubyte**)(ptr + 
         auto elemType = da.nextOf;
         return serializeArray(length, ptr, elemType);
     else if (auto ts = cast(TypeStruct) type)
         auto fields = ts.sym.fields;
         return serializeAggregate(ptr, fields);
     else if (auto tc = cast(TypeClass) type)
         auto fields = tc.sym.fields;
         return serializeAggregate(*cast(const ubyte**)ptr, 
     else if (auto tb = cast(TypeBasic) type)
         // writeTypeTag ?
         return ptr[0 .. type.size];
     else assert(0, "Serialisation for " ~ type.identifier ~ " not 
implemented .. " ~ (cast()type).toString());

   ubyte[] serializeArray(ulong length, const ubyte* ptr, const 
Type elemType)
     ubyte[] result;
     // writeLength(length)
     foreach(i; 0 .. length)
       result ~= serializeType(ptr, elemType);
     return result;

   ubyte[] serializeAggregate(const ubyte* ptr, 
VariableDeclaration[] fields)
     ubyte[] result;
     foreach(f; fields)
       if (hasNoSerializeAttrib(f))
         // skip fields which are annotated with noSerialize;
       result ~= serializeType(ptr + f.offset, f.type);
     return result;

void main()
     S s = S(72, 19992034, 98);
     C c = new C(72, 19992039, 98);
     auto buffer = serialize(s);
     assert(buffer.length == 5);
     assert ((buffer[0] | buffer[1] << 8 | buffer[2] << 16 | 
buffer[3] << 24) == 19992034);
     assert (buffer[4] == 98);
     auto buffer_c = serialize(c);
     assert(buffer_c.length == 4);
     assert ((buffer_c[0] | buffer_c[1] << 8 | buffer_c[2] << 16 | 
buffer_c[3] << 24) == 19992039);
     // we can see the fields annotated with @("NoSerialize") are 

I would like to know what you think about this

In my next example I will show how you can modify serialization 
for library types source-code you can't control.

However for that to work `core.reflect` needs to be extended a 
little ;)

Cheers and have a nice day,


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