Why D is not a popular language?

sighoya sighoya at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 22:51:22 UTC 2021

On Friday, 8 January 2021 at 20:23:18 UTC, aberba wrote:
> I'm not sure how gtkd can be made any better than it already 
> is. I've got no complaints so far.

GTK 4 support?

> Qt isn't even cool. Use GTK-d.

Okay, I will remember.

> We have BeamU and DlangUI. They just don't have enough manpower 
> to polish them up faster.

Interesting, thanks. Cross-platform and pure D-Code in beamUI 
seems promising...
But I've never really heard about people talking about here, why?

> If you're on Windows, Visual Studio with Visual-d should be 
> enough. There's also the popular VS code.

Yes, syntax checking and code completion is already quite good 
(even in eclipse), however we have, afaict, no semantic checking 
We would either need to call DMD/LDC/GDC as compiler service 
(don't know to which extent this is possible, or we need a new 
compiler for the IDE).
But heck, writing a new compiler incurs a lot of work and time to 
get in sync with semantic D.

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