Why does D not have generics?

Ola Fosheim Grøstad ola.fosheim.grostad at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 10:37:10 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 17 January 2021 at 04:03:30 UTC, Bruce Carneal wrote:
> I've been working on my current project for a few months but 
> I'm still not ready to talk about it in detail.  I will say 
> that it does not sort anything (doesn't have the power/compute 
> budget for sorting) and that it does employ the bijection as a 
> type erasure/restoration mechanism.

This "bijection" strategy is interesting.  (I assume you think of 
bijective functions in mathematics?) For some reason I've never 
really given it much thought. But it makes a lot of sense for 
encoding keys. Some online services also only accept keys that 
are either strings or 64bit integers, so it might be useful in 
other contexts.

I've written a generic key type that does this encoding (in C++, 
but easy to port to D), and are working on a compressing one. So, 
for instance if you have a tuple of (z,y,x) then you can specify 
that 1≤x≤31, 1≤y≤12, 1970≤z≤2030 and let it be compressed either 
by bit shifting or multiplication (slower but tighter). So for 
instance (2021,1,17) would compress as


Is there some way to find out the range (min, max) of an enum?

The next step is to cover keys larger than 64 bits, I guess I 
should cover up to 256 bits.

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