Discussion Thread: DIP 1036--String Interpolation Tuple Literals--Community Review Round 2

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 15:06:20 UTC 2021

On 1/29/21 3:02 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
> Comparing two simple examples of #DIP1036 and #DIP1027:
> DIP1036:
>    printf(i"%s${item} %02d${other_item}"); // metaprogramming + printf 
> overload

With a metaprogramming wrapper, it would be:

printf(i"${item} %02d${other_item}");

Without a metaprogramming wrapper, you call it like this:

printf("%s %02d", item, other_item); // yes, just use printf the way it 
was intended

The point of this is, we don't want to fit into printf-style formatting, 
because it's too niche a need, and extremely limiting. Use the wrapper 
if you want printf formatting. This is not a burden on anyone (the 
wrapper took me 15 minutes to write, and is an inlineable no-processing 

> DIP2027:
>    printf(i"$item ${%02d}other_item");  // direct

This is an error, unless item is a const char * (unlikely).

> DIP1036:
>    writeln(i"I ate ${apples} apples and ${bananas} bananas totaling 
> ${apples + bananas} fruit.");
> DIP1027:
>    writefln(i"I ate $apples apples and $bananas bananas totaling 
> $(apples + bananas) fruit.");
> DIP1036 is more user typing, including awkward-to-type { }, along with 
> needing substantial user code to implement (for printf).

It is possible for the DIP to allow omission of the {}. We did not do 
this for several reasons:

1. Just a literal $ is frequently used in string data (it is a 
denomination, and has valid uses in mixin D code).
2. The requirement to type {} is not much of a burden.
3. Using enclosing tokens has precedent in many string interpolation 
implementations. Javascript uses this exact sequence. Swift uses \( ... 
). C# uses { ... }.
4. It's easier for a person to distinguish in a large string.

> DIP1027's syntax is optimized to make the most common cases the simplest 
> for the user, no user code is required.

DIP1027's syntax is designed to fit with a few existing functions. It 
puts the burden on the user to make sure they understand how the rewrite 
will happen, and which functions to use to do this. It is not forgiving 
of mistakes, which will compile and do the wrong thing.

But I don't want to rehash DIP1027 here, that discussion has already 
happened. If you want to compare the two briefly, I would say DIP1027 
designed for writef and format, nothing else. It can be used 
unintuitively with printf and other functions that have some similar 
parameter layouts. It can be used accidentally with many functions that 
happen to accept the parameters as arranged. DIP1036 is designed to be 
used by library writers to provide a mechanism to distinguish and handle 
properly interpolation strings ONLY when intended, and do it with little 
effort, all while also providing the user a mechanism to seamlessly 
convert normal data into string data.


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