Struct initialization is a mess

Dukc ajieskola at
Wed Jul 28 23:08:34 UTC 2021

In the `main` function, I have commented out the initialization 
forms that don't compile. Everything else compiles.

struct Basic
{ int cont;

struct NoDef
{ int cont;
   @disable this();

struct FalseInit
{ int cont;
   static float init;

struct Ctor
{ int cont;

struct EmptyOpcall
{ int cont;
   static typeof(this) opCall(){return this.init;}

struct ArgumentedOpcall
{ int cont;
   static typeof(this) opCall(int){return this.init;}

void main()
{ {Basic a, b = Basic.init, c = Basic(), d = {}, e = Basic(0), f 
= {0};}
   {NoDef /*a,*/ b = NoDef.init, /*c = NoDef(), d = {}, e = 
NoDef(0),*/ f = {0};}
   {FalseInit a, /*b = FalseInit.init,*/ c = FalseInit(), d = {}, 
e = FalseInit(0), f = {0};}
   {Ctor a, b = Ctor.init, c = Ctor(),/*, d = {}*/ e = Ctor(0)/*, 
f = {0}*/;}
   {EmptyOpcall a, b = EmptyOpcall.init, c = EmptyOpcall(), d = 
{}, /*e = EmptyOpcall(0)*/ f = {0};}
   {ArgumentedOpcall a, b = ArgumentedOpcall.init, /*c = 
ArgumentedOpcall(),*/ d = {}, e = ArgumentedOpcall(0), f = {0};}

We have terribly many ways to initialize a struct (or union or 
class for that matter). I have trouble seeing the logic between 
all these.

Now granted, many of these make sense. Obviously, non-explicit 
initialization with `@disabled this()` is not supposed to 
compile. And I'm being unfair with the `FalseInit` example, 
defining that is just plain bad programming.

But still. Why `NoDef.init` compiles? Why C-style initialization 
is okay with `opCall`ed `struct`s but not with ones that have 
constructors? Why `Ctor()` is okay but `ArgumentedOpcall()` is 

If there is some big picture, I am failing to see it.

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