(Skia) Submit project to bindbc?

Sebastiaan Koppe mail at skoppe.eu
Thu Jun 3 07:27:13 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 2 June 2021 at 17:48:09 UTC, evilrat wrote:
> Skia is 2D graphics library used by Google Chrome and Firefox, 
> it is used by Android and Flutter. It provides canvas API to 
> draw graphics and fonts and licensed under permissive license 
> (BSD).
> I've made bindbc-skia bindings and would like to transfer it to 
> BindBC team.
> Whom I need to write to have it added as part of official 
> BindBC packages?
> It (C API) seems stable enough, unfortunately I'm not willing 
> to maintain it for a long time and I may be unavailable for 
> quite some time from time to time. However I think it will be 
> useful to someone.
> Source
> https://github.com/Superbelko/bindbc-skia

The C API is still marked experimental though. It definitely 
works; I ran dpp over it a month ago and compiled a simple demo.

The biggest problem for me is that the C API is missing things 
like text for instance. I really can't live without that.

The Skia codebase is pretty clean though, and dpp seems to be 
able to transpile most of the C++ headers I have tried (although 
the resulting D code is invalid here and there.) So it might be a 
nice project to try C++ interop on.

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