Temporarily disabled releases for DCD, D-Scanner, dfmt

WebFreak001 d.forum at webfreak.org
Wed May 5 12:26:52 UTC 2021

CodeCov was compromised and used in some dlang-community 
repositories with the same GitHub access token for travis to 
upload releases. GitHub sent me a mail that the access token was 
potentially compromised and had suspicious behavior.

I have disabled the GitHub access token that is used for 
dlang-community releases, but it seems like I cannot access the 
travis settings to manage secrets anymore. (or can't find them)

So currently the release scripts will be broken. Anyone with 
access to the secrets on Travis who can put in new access tokens?

It used to be tokens by Basile who has quit GitHub before, so I 
replaced them with my personal access tokens which are now 
compromised and can't be used anymore. For new access tokens I 
can't find the access, but it would be nice if the dlang-bot's 
access tokens could be used for this instead.

See https://github.com/dlang-community/DCD/issues/634

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