Challenge: write a reference counted slice that works as much as possible like a built-in slice

Adam Ruppe destructionator at
Mon Nov 8 22:49:33 UTC 2021

On Monday, 8 November 2021 at 22:35:59 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> How do you mean "now"?

errr I meant "not". since it is const, you aren't allowed to 
modify it or *anything* through it. that would include the ref 

(now i know you can look it up in a global AA, using the pointer 
as a key into it, and fake it, so this prohibition isn't really 
that meaningful. but of course pure prohibits even that, so 
there's no winning - if modifying that refcont, either you're 
const and not pure, or you're pure and not const. perhaps the 
definition of const should change though.)

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