Worst ideas/features in programming languages?

Dr Machine Code jckj33 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 18:41:10 UTC 2021

On Monday, 11 October 2021 at 18:27:29 UTC, russhy wrote:


>> Features you'd like to see in D
>     - tagged union (built in, not as std/lib)
>     - interface / signature for structs (built in, not as 
> std/lib)
>         - alternatively, reintroduce the * for classes
>     - enum literals (being able to omit the enum name)
>         ex:
>             ```d
>             enum MyEnum { A, B, C}
>             MyEnum e = :A;
>             my_function(:A);
>             switch (e)
>             {
>             case :A: break;
>             }
>             // could be :, ., $, ! but that is not the point
>             '''

This unscoped enums is one of the worst features in C/C++, imho. 
I loved when I switch to languages that the enum got its scopre 
but D you got both, you can also do:

enum A = 0;
enum B = 1;
// ...

if you dislike to set their initial values manually, I think you 
can write a template function to create enum values

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