Is there an intention to 'finish' D2?

Abdulhaq alynch4047 at
Thu Nov 18 08:44:57 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 13:18:54 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
> On Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 08:55:27 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
>> Is there a set of features that, when fully working, will mean 
>> that D2 is now finished? Or will it forever be in a state of 
>> ongoing feature development?

> Time will tell.

I have a feeling that half the people in this forum are thinking 
'Are you trolling me, D2 was finished a decade ago', and the 
other half are thinking it's a non-question. Allow me to 
elaborate. I'm an occasional user of D since may years ago, a D 
supporter. I'd love to see it become more well known and used.

I have now reached a stage in my career where I have a 
significant influence on what languages are being used in a 
commercial environment - and sometimes for large corporates. I 
understand what it takes to make a large commercial application 
succeed, to be maintainable, to have a sustainable future.

With that user base in mind, probably the largest constituency of 
developers that D could hope to reach, there are some 
requirements, that I see D currently falling down on. I've just 
been an observer of D for the last few years but that is the case 
for nearly everyone in my position. I'm waiting for these major 
DIPs and -preview this and that to settle back down to Earth. I 
don't want to be having to work around **any** half baked 
features, I don't have time. E.g. I want it to be clearly defined 
how to implement and use ranges (from an observers POV it feels 
like this question has never been properly answered, I asked it 
many years ago and still it seems to be in motion).

'Finishing' D2 doesn't mean that feature development stops. It 
means that the community makes a concerted attempt to make 
**everything** work well that is claimed to work well, at least 
make it work to a spec. Pin this fully working feature set to a 
named long term supported version.

It feels to this observer that there is not even a known list of 
features that will one day work fully, and on which platforms 
that will be done for. Until that is the case, I cannot base my 
plans on D in a commercial environment.

I believe that Walter et al. don't think that the user base I am 
talking about, corporate application developers, are their target 
audience. They have some other 'system' developers in mind. 
That's fine with me! This post simply serves to point out to the 
rest of the community why this particular group remain waiting in 
the wings.

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