My Long Term Vision for the D programming language

Gleb gleb.tsk at
Wed Nov 24 10:23:22 UTC 2021

Gentlemen, good afternoon.
Let me make a couple of comments.
I think D is an excellent language for rapid development and I am 
trying to
popularize it here in this vein.

This year I (suddenly) resumed my education
(second grade) and suddenly found myself as old experienced dude 
in a young student environment.

Tasks to be solved include programming. D ideally lie on almost 
all occasions.
It would seem that we are going "forward and upward". But ... 
There are several
stoppers at once.

First of all, the GUI and huge difficulties (for a student ---
not a professional programmer, but only a programming user) to 
draw the GUI
The data plotter window on D is an almost insoluble problem for a

There are no full-fledged signals --- slots with the ability to 
data between threads (in the style of Qt) => whole familiar 
immediately drop out.

In general, the absence of bindings to Qt and the
laboriousness of creating bindings to ordinary libraries is 
already a huge

Async? Oops.

Finally, the situation, that most of the packages in the
dub registry are simply not compilable by the current versions of 
the compilers
(at least, without the shamanic dances with "depercated". It's 
inaccessible to the
average student).

IMHO, I would like to draw the first attention to this, then
the spread of the language could follow the same path as Python 
in the recent
past. From students to experienced peoples.

Automatically and successfully.

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