If you could make any changes to D, what would they look like?

victoroak jackpboy at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 21:00:04 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 20 October 2021 at 09:47:54 UTC, SealabJaster wrote:
> Just for giggles, without pesky things like breaking changes; 
> rational thinking, logical reasoning behind the changes, etc.
> What interesting changes would you make to the language, and 
> what could they possibly look like?

For me the top priority would be to make what D already has more 
robust and fix some really annoying bugs about delegates and 
member alias parameters like issue 
[#5710](https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5710) that was 
fixed and then reverted.

There are a lot of other "features" that are half finished or in 
"preview" and "experimental" forever that could be made stable 

Sure, there are some features (e.g. tuples and destructuring) 
that I really want but ironing out what is already there is way 
more important for me. The issue I linked before was one that I 
discovered like 5m after trying out D and still bugs me out to 
this day.

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