If you could make any changes to D, what would they look like?

harakim harakim at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 08:53:21 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 20 October 2021 at 09:47:54 UTC, SealabJaster wrote:
> Just for giggles, without pesky things like breaking changes; 
> rational thinking, logical reasoning behind the changes, etc.
> What interesting changes would you make to the language, and 
> what could they possibly look like?
> Here's a small example of some things I'd like.
> ```d
> import std;
> interface Animal
> {
>     void speak(string language);
> }
> struct Dog
> {
>     @nogc @nothrow @pure @safe
>     static void speak(string l)
>     {
>         // Pattern matching of some kind
>         // With strings this is just a fancy switch statement, 
> but this is the gist of it
>         match l with
>         {
>             "english" => writeln("woof"),
>             "french" => writeln("le woof"),
>             _ => writeln("foow")
>         }
>     }
> }
> struct Cat
> {
>     // Remove historical baggage. Make old attributes into `@` 
> attributes
>     @nogc @nothrow @pure @safe
>     static void speak()
>     {
>         writeln("meow")
>     }
> }
> // ? for "explicitly nullable"
> void doSpeak(alias T)(string? language)
> if(is(T == struct) && match(T : Animal)) // Match structs 
> against an interface.
> {
>     // immutable by default. ?? is the same as in C#
>     auto lang = language ?? "UNKNOWN";
>     // So of course we'd need a mutable keyword of some sort
>     mutable output = $"{__traits(identifier, T)} speaking in 
> {lang}"; // String interpolation
>     writeln(output);
>     T.speak(lang);
> }
> void main()
> {
>     doSpeak!Dog;
>     doSpeak!Cat; // Should be a compiler error since it fails 
> the `match` statement
> }
> ```

* I would probably choose a different syntax for templates.
* I would add ?. and ??
* I would work on the levels of strictness. D definitely does 
this better than any other language, but I have used it and found 
it wanting from time to time. Most projects start as a prototype 
and you don't need a lot of strict rules for that. For that you 
don't want type checking or method signature validation, you want 
a scripting language. As you get going, you want to still move 
fast but you probably want a strongly-typed language and some 
other features. At some point, certain parts of the code, 
libraries or even whole programs can be battened down and you 
want features like compile-time guarantees and performance. I 
would say D is the leader in this for all the languages that I 
use, but I think it could have a little more room to grow and 
have better documentation.
* Possibly add something to help autocomplete. For example, in 
C#, extension methods get picked up by autocomplete. That is the 
advantage they have over normal methods.

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