Static associative array expressions

Kagamin spam at here.lot
Mon Sep 20 06:11:20 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 19 September 2021 at 11:55:04 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
> On 9/19/21 1:43 AM, Stefan Koch wrote:
>> What do you guys think?
> I think an easier fix is just to change the call that does the 
> AA literals to something that can be CTFEd. Right now it's an 
> extern(C) hook that is opaque and takes void[] and TypeInfos.
> Something like:
> ```d
> V[K] __aALiteral(V, K)(K[] keys, V[] values);
> ```
> Then just lower the call to that, and if that is CTFEable, it 
> works.
> -Steve

Isn't that already kinda possible?
A quick example:
struct StaticHashTable(TKey,TValue)
	struct Pair { TKey key, TValue value }
	Pair[] items;
	inout(TValue) opIndex(in TKey key) pure inout
		foreach(i;items)if(i.key==key)return i.value;

StaticHashTable!(TKey,TValue) make(TKey,TValue)(in TValue[TKey] 
aa) pure
	StaticHashTable!(TKey,TValue) s;
	return s;

immutable s=make(["a":"b","c":"d"]);
static assert(s["a"]=="b");
That is, you can serialize a hashtable into anything with a 
relatively easy syntax.

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