Static associative array expressions

Stefan Koch uplink.coder at
Mon Sep 20 13:09:05 UTC 2021

On Monday, 20 September 2021 at 13:02:22 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
> ```d
> struct FakeAA(K, V)
> {
>     // mimic the true AA impl
>     struct FakeBucket {
>         size_t hash;
>         void * entry;
>     }
>     struct FakeAAImpl
>     {
>         FakeBucket[] buckets;
>         uint used;
>         uint deleted;
>         TypeInfo_Struct entryTI;
>         uint firstUsed;
>         immutable uint keysz;
>         immutable uint valsz;
>         immutable uint valoff;
>         ubyte flags;
>     }
>     FakeAAImpl *impl;
>     V[K] __get() { return *(cast(V[K]*)&impl); }
>     alias __get this;
> }
> ```
> And then build that thing at compile time based on the CTFE AA.
> But I would still like to see the AA static initializer "just 
> work".
> -Steve

In fact that is exactly what my implementation of AA literals 
just that it does that internally to the "static initializer 
generation code"
except for evaluation of the hash-function it has nothing to do 
with CTFE ;)

And by the by that is _exactly_ how _all_ generation of static 
initalizers work.
They build up "fake" runtime structures and hope that the 
structures match the layout used at runtime.

Which is why cross-compilation is still a pain.

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