Is D's pointer subtraction more permissive than C (and C++)?

Salih Dincer salihdb at
Sat Apr 2 03:51:28 UTC 2022

On Friday, 1 April 2022 at 15:52:39 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> As the following quote from a Microsoft document claims, and as 
> I've already known, pointer subtraction is legal only if the 
> pointers are into the same array: "ANSI 3.3.6, 4.1.1 The type 
> of integer required to hold the difference between two pointers 
> to elements of the same array, ptrdiff_t." ( 
> )
> I suspect "array" means "a block of memory" there because 
> arrays are ordinarily malloc'ed pieces of memory in C.
> [...]

import std.stdio;

enum testLimit = 1024 * 1024 * 62;
void main()
   char[] first ="a12345".dup;      // length =>6
   first.length = testLimit;
   first[$-1] = 'z';

   auto hLen = first.length/2;      // =>3
   auto sliceRight = first[hLen..$];// "345"

   char* oneHalf = &first[hLen++];  // =>[3]
   char[] half12 = first[0..hLen];  // =>[0..4]
   char[] half22 = oneHalf[0..hLen];// =>[0..4]

   // legal? Ok.

   --hLen;                          // =>3
   for(int i; i < hLen; i++)
     assert(&sliceRight[i] - &half12[i] == hLen);

   // legal? Ok.

   half12[0..3].write("...");       // "a12..."
   sliceRight[$-3..$].writeln;      // "��z"

   char* a = &half12[0];            // "a"
   char* z = &sliceRight[$-1];      // "z"

   writefln("[%c]%s\n[%c]%s", *a, &(*a), *z, &(*z));
   assert( (&(*z) - &(*a)) ==
           (testLimit - 1) );

   // legal? Ok.

   auto test = half22.ptr - half12.ptr;
   assert(test == hLen);/*

   // legal? Ok.

   auto last = first;
   assert(first.ptr - last.ptr ==

   // legal? Ok.

   last ~= '.';
   assert(&last[$-1] - &first[$-1] == 1);

Everything is legal...

SDB at 79

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