'scope' confusion

Paul Backus snarwin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 06:12:06 UTC 2022

On Friday, 15 April 2022 at 05:42:42 UTC, Andy wrote:
> Is there any way to do this safely?
> ```
> @safe @nogc pure nothrow:
> void f() {
> 	scope immutable Node a = Node(1, null);
> 	g(a);
> }
> void g(scope immutable Node a) {
> 	scope immutable Node b = Node(2, &a);
> }
> struct Node {
> 	immutable int head;
> 	immutable Node* tail;
> }
> ```

No, because `scope` isn't transitive. If the above example were 
allowed, then `b.tail.tail` would not be `scope`.

Here's a simplified version, which makes the levels of 
indirection more obvious:

@safe @nogc pure nothrow:

void f() {
	scope immutable int* a = null;

void g(scope immutable int* a) {
	scope immutable int** b = &a; // error

> To put it more simply, why doesn't this work?
> ```d
> @safe @nogc pure nothrow:
> void f() {
> 	int x = 0;
> 	scope int* y = &x;
> }
> ```

That example does work. It's only when you get to two levels of 
indirection that it fails; for example:

@safe @nogc pure nothrow:

void f() {
	int x = 0;
	scope int* y = &x;
	scope int** z = &y; // error

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