I just created a dub package. Frankly, the whole thign is backward.

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx
Tue Apr 26 15:35:05 UTC 2022

On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 01:21:58AM +0000, Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> dub exists because it filled a huge, gaping hole in the D ecosystem.
> Go back far enough and you'll find "build", later renamed "bud", by
> Derek Parnell. This was the first D build tool the community rallied
> around.
> Gregor Richards wasn't happy with bud, so he created "Rebuild" as an
> alternative build tool, but added a package manager on top of it
> called "DSSS" (D Shared Software System).
> At one point I had three platform-specific make files, a `dsss.conf`,
> and a `forbud.txt` (I eventually replaced some of that with a
> `buildme.d file`).
> There was no standard way of building D projects, and it sucked. Then
> Derek and Gregor disappeared, and suddenly these build systems
> everyone is using are no longer supported. No one takes them over, so
> we're in the Dark Ages again. Then dub comes along and saves the day.
> It caught on quickly. Then people start thinking: "What happens if
> Sönke disappears? This should be an official D thing." So dub gets
> added to the installation. And here we are.

Thanks for the summary, that was very insightful.

> The question is, what exactly is dub missing and how can it be
> improved?  Which perceived shortcomings are reasonable to address and
> which are not?  And assuming we can answer those questions, who is
> going to address them?

The primary functionality missing from dub that I rely on is explicit
build dependency graph specification. (Note: I'm not talking about
*package* dependencies, which dub actually does an OK job at, but
*build* dependencies.)

What I mean is this: my projects often involve a main executable, which
is the primary target of the project, plus several helpers, which are
either secondary targets sharing most of the same sources, or code
generators that create one or more targets required to compile the main
executable.  Occasionally, there may also be auxiliary targets like HTML
pages, procedurally-generated images, and other resources.

Currently, for building all these targets, I use SCons (yes, yes, I
know). It's not perfect, but it does what I want: it has no problem
handling complex build jobs like building a subset of source files into
helper utility U1, running U1 in order to generate some extra D source
files, then compiling the results into an executable.  It can also, *at
the same time*, compile a different subset of source files into helper
utility U2, run U2 on a set of HTML templates and generating HTML files,
then running a PHP postprocessing script on said HTML files, then
install these files into a staging directory hierarchy, and then
creating a tarball to be uploaded to the target webserver.

As far as I know -- and if I'm wrong I'd be happy to be corrected -- dub
is unable to handle the above (at least not natively -- I'd have to
write my own code for building the non-D parts of the build AFAIK, which
defeats the purpose of having a build system in the first place).

This is my primary complaint about dub.

There are also secondary issues, like:

- Network dependence (I'd *really* like for it *not* to depend on
  internet access being available by default, only when I ask it to).
  IIRC there's some switch or option that does this, it would be nice if
  there was a local setting I could toggle to make this automatic.

- Performance: is there an option to skip the expensive NP-complete
  dependency resolution step at the beginning for faster turnaround
  time? When I'm debugging something I do *not* want dub to do anything
  except recompile local source, no network access, no package
  dependency resolution, nothing, just *build* the darned thing and
  leave it at that.

- Reproducibility: if I change one source file out of a directory of 50,
  I want the build system to be able to detect that one change,
  determine the *minimum* sequence of actions to update current targets,
  and run only those actions. After running these actions, the targets
  should be in EXACTLY the same state as if I had rebuilt the entire
  workspace from a clean checkout. And this should NOT be dependent on
  the current state of the workspace (it should know to overwrite stale
  intermediates, etc., so that the final targets are in the correct

- Selective builds: sometimes during development I only want to rebuild
  one target out of possibly 5 or 10. There has to be an easy way only
  build a subset of targets (and it should perform the *minimum* actions
  needed to achieve this, in a completely reproducible way, as described

- Parallel building: if the actions required to build targets T1 and T2
  are not dependent on each other, it should know to run them in
  parallel so that the build is completed as quickly as possible. This
  should be baked-in behaviour that does not require any additional
  effort from the user.

If dub can be made to do all of the above, I'd be happy to adopt it for
my projects.


I'm still trying to find a pun for "punishment"...

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