Voldemort type: getPoint()

Salih Dincer salihdb at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 26 18:20:50 UTC 2022

As long as the Voldemort type lives on, does int x, y legally 
live on?

auto getPoint()
   int x, y; // major issue

   enum type = "2D";
   struct Point(string Id)
     static int _x = 1024;
     static int _y = 768;
     string toString() {
       import std.format;
       return format("Limit: %dx%d px.",
                                _x, _y);
     void set(int a, int b) { x = a; y = b; }
     uint area() { return x * y; }
     auto get() { return this; }
   auto px = Point!type();
   return px.get;

For test:

   auto p1 = getPoint();
   p1.set(2, 21);
   p1.area.writeln(" MP, ", p1);
   .writefln!"%s @%s"(&p1);

   p1.set(10, 100);
   p1.area.writeln(" MP, ", p1);

   auto p2 = getPoint();
   p2.area.writeln(" MP, ", p2);
   p2.set(3, 21);
   .writefln!"%s @%s"(&p2);

   p1.area.writeln(" MP, ", p1);
   p2.area.writeln(" MP, ", p2);


>42 MP, Limit: 1024x768 px.
Point!"2D" @7FFD328DB770
1000 MP, Limit: 1024x768 px.
0 MP, Limit: 1024x768 px.
Point!"2D" @7FFD328DB788
1000 MP, Limit: 1024x768 px.
63 MP, Limit: 1024x768 px.

SDB at 79

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