[Off-Topic] John Carmack's point of view on GC and languages like JavaScript

Paul Backus snarwin at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 15:25:40 UTC 2022

On Monday, 8 August 2022 at 15:05:49 UTC, wjoe wrote:
> ```
> @GC(DND)//Do Not Disturb
> {
>   foreach (...)
>     // hot code goes here and no collection cycles will happen
> }
> ```
> or,
> ```
> void load_assets()
> {
>   // allocate, load stuff, etc..
>   @GC(collect); // lag doesn't matter here
> }
> ```

This is possible using the `GC` API in `core.memory`:

     import core.memory: GC;

     scope(exit) GC.enable();

     foreach (...)
         // hot code goes here

void load_assets()
     import core.memory: GC;

     // allocate, load stuff, etc..

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