[Off-Topic] John Carmack's point of view on GC and languages like JavaScript

Jack Stouffer jack at jackstouffer.com
Wed Aug 10 17:09:50 UTC 2022

On Monday, 8 August 2022 at 22:32:23 UTC, Ethan wrote:
> So tl;dr is that there's tactical usage of non-GC _AND_ GC 
> memory in Doom.

Calling this garbage collection is watering-down the term to near 
uselessness. This is just manual memory management. I haven't 
read the code, but from your description it sounds exactly like a 
bump allocator and a tweaked general purpose allocator which can 
reuse allocated memory regions when heap fragmentation becomes an 

These days, these technique should be unremarkable. I have no 
doubt that this was innovative in '93. But 30 years later, 
creating a bump allocator for memory which doesn't change much 
after init with a known lifetime of use should be common practice 
for programmers, especially when most PCs have > 8gb of RAM.

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