D tooling is disappointing

Paul Backus snarwin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 16:58:02 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 17 August 2022 at 16:13:01 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> I also use Vim, occasionally with dmdtags (only for large 
> projects). I don't bother with compiler integration because I 
> use SCons for builds, and it's fast enough to just suspend Vim 
> with ^Z and run scons by hand. Or occasionally `dmd -unittest 
> -run` when I need to work on one specific module and have fast 
> turnaround time.

In my experience, the main benefit of compiler integration isn't 
speed, it's having Vim's quickfix list automatically populated 
with the compiler's error messages, which allows you to use 
commands like :cnext, :cprev, and so on for navigation.

For example, if I rename a variable or a function, I can rebuild 
the project with :make and then use a command like `:cdo 
s/oldName/newName/g` to iterate over the resulting errors and 
replace the old name with the new name. This is a lot faster than 
having to look at the file + line number of each error message 
and navigate there by hand.

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