What is the state of @property?

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 03:49:07 UTC 2022

On 8/24/22 11:26 PM, Ki Rill wrote:
> It's not recommended to use it, yet people do continue using it 
> anyway... I see it in people's code. So, was it finalized, but docs 
> weren't updated? Or is it still half-backed? And what is the issue?

It's not even 1/10 baked.

It does just about nothing. The only discernable difference is `typeof`:

struct S
     int prop1() { return 1; }
     @property int prop2() { return 2; }

pragma(msg, typeof(S.prop1)); // int()
pragma(msg, typeof(S.prop2)); // int

What is the issue? The attribute was added with the intention that 
properties would require a @property attribute, and functions would not. 
But there was pushback, so it never got formalized. For a while we had a 
`-property` switch which would enforce some rules, but it was also removed.

As of today, I'd ignore @property. If someone is using it, just pretend 
it's a normal function.


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