Movement against float.init being nan

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Thu Aug 25 19:21:08 UTC 2022

On 8/25/22 11:05, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
> On Monday, 22 August 2022 at 22:11:23 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
>> On Monday, 22 August 2022 at 20:29:57 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
>>> I had some fun with `isNaN` the other day. We used it to check for 
>>> initialisation in an access function to cache an expensive 
>>> computation. This worked brilliantly until we noticed a malfunction 
>>> in the release version. It took a while until I realised that I had 
>>> given the LDC `fastmath` option to the release build, which assumes 
>>> NaN does not occur, which makes `isNaN` misbehave.
>> Is there a simple example of this behavior?
> Yes:
> ```d
> import std;
> void main()
> {
>      assert(isNaN(double.nan));
> }
> ```
> Compile with LDC and options `--ffast-math -O`.
> -- Bastiaan.

I found documentation on --fast-math here:

It includes "compiler make[s] [...] assumptions [...] Operands to 
floating-point operations are not equal to NaN and Inf"

This is contrary to Walter's understanding, which I understand as 
"operations on NaN stay NaN". LLVM (at least Clang) seems to have a 
different take on NaN.

And here is Phobos' isNaN implementation in math/traits.d:

bool isNaN(X)(X x) @nogc @trusted pure nothrow
if (isFloatingPoint!(X))
     version (all)
         return x != x;
         Code kept for historical context. At least on Intel, the simple 
         x != x uses one dedicated instruction (ucomiss/ucomisd) that 
runs in one
         cycle. Code for 80- and 128-bits is larger but still smaller 
than the
         integrals-based solutions below. Future revisions may enable 
the code
         below conditionally depending on hardware.
      // ... Removed by Ali

LLVM must be thinking x != x is not a valid operation on NaN. Could we 
use a bit pattern check instead? Or write it as an asm block?


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