What should happen when the assert message expression throws?

Dukc ajieskola at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 16:11:04 UTC 2022

On Friday, 25 November 2022 at 16:48:39 UTC, kdevel wrote:
>> I don't think the example above has a correct condition; so 
>> let's focus on correct ones.
> The condition is false. That is what I want to discuss. My 
> question is: What does that mean? Does it mean more than 
> writing a comment
>    // I solemnly swear a is zero.

"A is *always* zero when this line is passed by the program. I 
have thought it through, and when I have tested it, it always has 
been so. Therefore, if a ever is something else when the program 
gets here, by definition I have no idea what is happening, and 
what could have caused it. It follows I can say nothing what 
would happen if you let this program to continue, so it must be 
aborted *immediately*."

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