What Julia Does Right

Walter Bright newshound2 at digitalmars.com
Thu Dec 8 17:47:42 UTC 2022

Here's a good thought provoking article:


A couple of things stood out for me:

1. https://viralinstruction.com/posts/goodjulia/#the_package_manager_is_amazing

I've never thought of a package manager that way.

2. "Rust, for example, may have a wonderfully expressive type system, but it's 
also boilerplate heavy, and its borrowchecker makes writing any code that 
compiles at all quite a time investment. An investment, which most of the time 
gives no returns when you're trying to figure how to approach the problem in the 
first place. It's also not entirely clear how I would interactively visualise 
and manipulate a dataset using a static language like Rust."

I've always thought that a great strength of D was its plasticity, meaning you 
can easily change data structures and algorithms as you're writing and rewriting 
code. Apparently this is much more difficult in Rust, which will inevitably 
result in less efficiency, even if the compiler for it generates very good code.

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