Typical security issues in C++: why the GC isn't your enemy

Dukc ajieskola at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 11:45:02 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 13 December 2022 at 01:50:26 UTC, areYouSureAboutThat 
> and this:
> https://doc.rust-lang.org/error_codes/E0133.html

This isn't any different from D.

@system void f() { return; } // This is the unsafe code

@safe void main() {
     // error: `@safe` function `D main` cannot call `@system` 
function `app.f`

@safe void main() {
     () @trusted { f(); }(); // ok!

The difference is that D lets you also write

@trusted void main() {
     f(); // ok!

This is really just a nice shorthand for the `@safe` main with 
`@trusted` lambda inside. It's also a better practice, since 
`@trusted` in a function signature is easier to spot for a code 
reviewer than the lambda inside the function.

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