An easy-way to profile apps visually

Guillaume Piolat first.last at
Thu Dec 15 14:14:01 UTC 2022

tl;dr Simply generates a JSON that follows the Trace Event Format.

Trace Event Format is a simple JSON format that is then read by 
web apps like:
  - chrome://tracing

You can get images of your instrumented program like that very 

Surprisingly, TLS really shines there, since you can collect the 
JSON trace in a thread-local manner and concatenate the output at 
the end. Though, the reallocs will get more and more expensive as 
time goes by. The profile size balloons easily.

All in all I think explicit frame profiling like that is a 
valuable alternative to either sampling or instrumentation 
profiler. At least you can finally visualize parallelism and how 
much of it is synchronization.

Profiler implementation in dplug:gui => (haven't tested outside Windows for now... I was surprised synchronization stuff was relatively lightweight), it would be a small deal of work to strip it of its library.

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