Use template _d_newclass in TypeInfo_Class.create

Teodor Dutu teodor.dutu at
Thu Dec 15 16:34:26 UTC 2022


I am trying to convert `_d_newclass` to a template function.
With this, I aim to remove the old hook from 
However, this function is used directly by 
`TypeInfo_Class.create` cannot call the template hook because it 
doesn't have access to the explicit type, only to its `typeid`.

Being a public function, `TypeInfo_Class.create` can be called by 
user code and simply deleting it or changing it to a template as 
well will most likely break existing code.
For example, it will break [this 
line]( in DustMite.

I think the only thing I can do is to leave the old hook in 
`rt.lifetime.d` for now as it will only be used by 
`TypeInfo_Class.create`. Then I'll remove it in the future if 
`TypeInfo_Class.create` or `TypeInfo` itself become deprecated.

How do you say I should proceed with this? Do you see a way to 
use the template `_d_newclass` inside `TypeInfo_Class.create`?


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