arsd users: weigh in on proposed breaking change

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at
Mon Dec 19 17:21:38 UTC 2022

On Monday, 19 December 2022 at 16:03:07 UTC, Ralph Amissah wrote:
> Would it just mean my having to download an additional file?

For cgi.d yes, it would just mean downloading core.d too and 
compiling them together.

So if you currently do

dmd yourfile.d cgi.d

you'd do

dmd yourfile.d cgi.d core.d

(or whatever is necessary with your build system to add the other 

And always download both files together if you update.

I was considering changing the policy to require you to download 
the whole repo and use dmd -i to build it (dmd -i will 
automatically include any referenced modules as-needed, while 
leaving the others out, so you still get the benefits of 
separation, it isn't like all 80 files are included in your build 
every time, while I'd be able to factor things out more often), 
but that is an even bigger change and I don't think I want to go 
that far.

But adding just the one or maybe two files to a build is much 
closer to a balanced decision.

I know this isn't big in the grand scheme of things, but it is 
something I've resisted doing for years. Even when I do add 
inter-module dependencies, I'd be careful to make it opt-in 
somehow. For example, if you use the cgi.dispatcher() function, 
then it depends on dom.d too.... but if you never call that, you 
don't need dom.d at all.

But for what I'm thinking about now, I'm going to use it in many 
functions so that approach of "you don't pay for it if you don't 
call it" isn't going to work.

So I gotta decide to either do it or not at least for the one 
core.d file.

> Thank you for all your offerings. No doubt there are many 
> others like me who benefit from the multitude of different 
> parts of it.

No, thank you for answering! I've also long been curious how many 
users it actually has. I sometimes get emails from people asking 
questions, and a couple times been surprised to see some of my 
code pop up in projects I've never heard of before, but I still 
have very little actual knowledge as to how many people actually 
use it so it is cool to hear from people.

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