Fixing C's Biggest Mistake

areYouSureAboutThat areYouSureAboutThat at
Fri Dec 23 22:43:27 UTC 2022

On Friday, 23 December 2022 at 22:09:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Well, Andrei *did* describe elsewhere how he became a target 
> for criticism once he took on the helm, much of which was 
> pretty vicious. There's only so much a person can take before 
> the question pops up, why am I doing this, and should I be 
> doing something else instead?

I think both Walter and Andrei have been pretty upfront as to 
their 'leadership' qualities ;-)

One is a great language design hacker. Arguably, one of the best.

The other is a programmer with an OCD-like focus on 'details' 
(much like me).

But yes, when people have certain expectations that are not met.. 
they do tend to get grumpy..especially if they're volunteering 
their own time.. whether it Andrei or those directing criticism 
towards him. Walter seems to handle these contentions much better 
than anyone.. perhaps cause he is the ultimate gate-keeper.

>> One thing is for sure... The future of the D Programming 
>> language is primarly stuck with Walter.
> I thought Atila was supposed to be making decisions with Walter 
> as well, it's not just Walter by himself.

'Technically', yes. But I don't think Atila (or anyone else in 
his position) is under any delusions as to what effect he can 
ultimately have ;-)

Personally, I'm comfortable with Walter being the ultimate 
gatekeeper. As he has pointed out many time, people can just

For those that volunteer their time and effort under the delusion 
that this is not how it works, that is for them to deal with ;-)

Again, people should lower the expectations, and they will be 
much happier..and if they can't, they won't.

Let Walter fix C's biggest mistake.. but do it in D's C only, not 
in C. Leave C alone!

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