Discussion Thread: DIP 1043--Shortened Method Syntax--Community Review Round 1

Max Samukha maxsamukha at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 12:14:22 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 9 February 2022 at 11:02:03 UTC, bauss wrote:

> Yes it does, but not if both cases aren't supported.
> And you shouldn't return the value from a setter, it should be 
> void.
> Which looks better?
> ```
> int value() => _value;
> void value(int newValue) => _value = newValue;

Sorry, it doesn't look better to me. It looks as if the second 
function has an incorrect return type. It would look better if it 
was marked as a property setter and D handled property setters 

> ```
> Or
> ```
> int value() => _value;
> void value(int newValue) { _value = newValue; }
> ```
> The first case definitely looks better IMHO.
> And yeah as you said void could just be int, but it shouldn't. 
> The setter should be void.
> It is almost universally accepted that setters should __never__ 
> return anything and there's only one case where you might 
> return from a setter and that is in fluid programming where you 
> return the parent object to allow chaining.

> So it's irrelevant that it works as a work-around.

Are we discussing this proposal, which is about unifying named 
and anonymous function syntax? Changing the way D handles 
property setters is a separate issue.

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