Potential of a compiler that creates the executable at once

rikki cattermole rikki at cattermole.co.nz
Fri Feb 11 00:03:33 UTC 2022

On 11/02/2022 11:52 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
> I have never been able to explain these to people. I wonder if it is 
> because it is so simple, people think "that can't be right". With the 
> hook thing, they'll ask me to re-explain it several times, then they'll 
> say "are you sure?" and they still don't believe it.

It does depend on a few factors.

Compiler, linker, build/package manager all playing along.

Not to mention shared library support actually good enough with clear 
common use cases all described.

For me personally there are a few unknowns for the general case that I 
would avoid using it in production.

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