Potential of a compiler that creates the executable at once

rempas rempas at tutanota.com
Fri Feb 11 15:17:16 UTC 2022

On Friday, 11 February 2022 at 14:52:09 UTC, max haughton wrote:
> The object emission code in the backend is quite inefficient, 
> it needs to be rewritten (it's horrible old code anyway)

I would love if they would do it but I can't complain that they 
don't. Openhub reports that [DMD] consists of 961K LoC!! I know 
that D is a huge language so the frontend will be a good part of 
it and that code for some other stuff (including a lot of stuff 
for the backend) will probably not change. But this is A LOT to 
do still!

Maybe they can do that for D 3.0 along with removing the need for 
GC to use Phobos (and giving the ability to only close that in 
the compiler) then I can see D becoming as big as it was 
intended! But dreams are free...

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