Potential of a compiler that creates the executable at once

rempas rempas at tutanota.com
Sat Feb 12 06:29:37 UTC 2022

On Friday, 11 February 2022 at 22:08:57 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> [It's not that it's *hard*... practically nil.]
> --T

I hear you loud and clear! It's very funny how "professionals" 
and their companies work worse that most hobbies programmers. 
This is why I don't want to become a "professional" and work for 
a company and why I FUCKING HATE when everyone talks about 
programming based on what's popular and what you should learn to 
get a "job". Fuck this shit! I remember someone saying me the 
same thing when we were discussing about QT and I said how 
bloated it is and they guy said that this is probably due to this 
reason (as even that QT offers free licenses, a company is behind 

I haven't wrote almost anything but even the few things that I 
tried to, I would always see how many things I could do with so 
few lines of code that I would always wonder how some projects 
take hundreds of thousands of lines of code or even millions! 
Like, wtf they are doing? Even for software that are minimal (see 
suckless), they still do about 80% of what the other "big and 
complete" software do with about 10% of the codebase so bloatware 
is a thing no matter how you see it! You can't make these numbers 

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