Potential of a compiler that creates the executable at once

rempas rempas at tutanota.com
Sat Feb 12 07:42:31 UTC 2022

On Saturday, 12 February 2022 at 07:06:21 UTC, forkit wrote:
> umm..reasoning that involves negation is extremely difficult.

Of course I was saying that to justify my idea about software 
been bloated which there will be something that does 80% of it 
with just 10% of the code-base. Also I'm just gonna try my first 
(and hopefully last) book about Compiler Design and if it 
succeeds and I'm able to make a fully compiler (including a 
linker) then I may even offer to make a backend for D in case 
someone wants to work in the backend. Or maybe Walter and the 
other folks will want to adopt it and make it the official 
backend of DMD. In any case, I would be glad to offer my help if 
that means improving D!

> Walter will not be happy.

Given the fact that Walter has to actually do real work and at 
the same time he's here answering every single crap that we are 
asking (I post the most crap, not gonna lie), makes me really 
impressed on his ability to stay calm. Makes me appreciate him 

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