Potential of a compiler that creates the executable at once

rempas rempas at tutanota.com
Sat Feb 12 08:08:34 UTC 2022

On Saturday, 12 February 2022 at 07:13:15 UTC, Walter Bright 
> The complexity comes from the complexity of the x86 instruction 
> set and the choice of instructions is very dependent on the 
> shape of the expression trees.

You could email the creator of Vox and ask him about the general 
structure of Vox and about tricks with X86_X64 specif stuff as 
this is what Vox targets so he may be specialized in this ISA and 
know stuff that you don't (which may also improve the runtime 
performance of programs compiled with DMD). Of course in case you 
didn't checked, the source of Vox is written in D and it is 36K 
LoC (at least that's what the README.md says) so you could also 
have a look (I did and it even looks readable to a n00b like me).

If I knew assembly and machine language (and in general about 
compiler design), I would do it myself to save you some time and 
then directly email you but unfortunately I'm not able to do that 

But tbh, DMD is very fast as it is now given the fact that it 
does optimizations (Vox and TCC doesn't do any if I'm not 
mistaken). And my post was to make discussion and see what others 
think about this topic and not to say that DMD is slow cause that 
would be a lie ;)

> The only thing it has really failed at is the x87, which 
> everyone wants to leave behind anyway.

Why, what was bad about it? Can I get a little of background on 
this one?

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