range methods on associative arrays

monkyyy crazymonkyyy at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 03:36:47 UTC 2022

On Saturday, 2 July 2022 at 20:14:10 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
> make more special cases like auto decoding

Its a general problem that ranges are bad are mimicking some 
types of for loop patterns; not a specific one

//if foo is local, it may not scope correctly into std.filter`s 

auto store;
foreach(ref e;list){

one could argue that there are 4 useful data structures that come 
out of the box, static arrays, slices, strings, and aa's and that 
the benefit of templates is that you get (in theory) great 
implications when combining non-specialized data structures and 
algorithms; and you would be in effect suggesting the std 
increases its special cases to 2 out of 4. (If not 3 with slices 
and gc)

I suggest that aa's should follow the rough standard syntax that 
is the best I can mimic of defining `[]` to return a range for my 
data structures instead of the verbose thing I always have to 
look up. And that the algorithms the std define are robust enough 
to handle the general problems.

Fundamentally the std is written as if caring that ranges should 
be reference types; I dislike that take, but you'd be fighting an 
uphill battle to suggest it changes on a real level. And your 
suggestion would make the same sort of hacks that string has and 
the issues that follow.

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