Possible improvement of phobos map?

JG someone at somewhere.com
Mon Jul 4 19:44:11 UTC 2022


There was a recent discussion regarding suggesting some special 
algorithms for associative arrays, which made we wonder if the 
problem isn't actually that it is a slightly annoying when 
working with ranges of tuples or structs.

For instance you might have code like this

   auto a = ["a":5, "b":6];
   auto r = iota(1,10);
   auto gcds = cartesianProduct(r,r).map!(t=>gcd(t[0],t[1]));

which while not too bad isn't as readable as it could be, and it 
gets worse when the chain gets longer.

With some slight changes to map (which wouldn't be needed if 
pattern matching exists), one can do this:

import std;

struct MapPrototype(alias f, R) {
     R r;
     bool empty() { return r.empty; }
     auto front() { return f(r.front.tupleof); }
     void popFront() { r.popFront; }
     auto save() { return typeof(this)(r.save); }

auto mapPrototype(alias f, R)(R r) {
     return MapPrototype!(f,R)(r);

struct Point {
     int x;
     int y;

void main() {
     auto r = iota(1,10);
     auto gcds = cartesianProduct(r,r).mapPrototype!(gcd);
     auto a = ["a":5, "b":6];


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