DScanner 0.12.1 stopped working

rikki cattermole rikki at cattermole.co.nz
Tue Jul 5 17:52:37 UTC 2022

On 06/07/2022 5:48 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> On 7/5/22 1:30 PM, rikki cattermole wrote:
>> On 06/07/2022 12:56 AM, Carsten Schlote wrote:
>>> So the question should be, why a breaking change slipped into 
>>> mainline. At least it is impossible to build the dub package now with 
>>> any of the current compilers.
>> What happened is that WebFreak created the tag v0.19.3 which is 
>> automatically upgraded to. Rather than v0.20.0 which wouldn't have been.
> Nope.
> https://github.com/dlang-community/D-Scanner/blob/e639f8bcbe8a73c9ebefb445edc101ec0c2731c1/dub.json#L15 
> -Steve

"libdparse": ">=0.19.2 <1.0.0",
"dsymbol" : ">=0.13.0 <1.0.0",

 > Restrict to a certain minor version: "~>2.2.13", equivalent to 
">=2.2.13 <2.3.0"

That sneaky < condition at the end is more broad than what ~> is.

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