80 bit floating point emulation

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 03:41:42 UTC 2022

On 7/8/22 8:23 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> The keyword here is "cross compiler".  Suppose you're compiling on a
> platform that doesn't have 80-bit floats, but you're targeting x86.
> You'd want your CTFE float values to match the behavior of 80-bit
> floats, 'cos otherwise there would be a mismatch between what the
> compiler computes at compile-time vs. what the program would have
> produced when run on the target x86 platform.

Wait, so you think that the ultimate path here is that DMD becomes able 
to emulate 80-bit floats, *and then* is ported to another problem with 
the purpose of cross-compiling to x86?

I'm far from being the one to determine what path DMD development should 
take, but this strikes me as something nobody is asking for.


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