No, stack allocation should not destroyed

Hipreme msnmancini at
Tue Jul 19 11:00:58 UTC 2022

On Monday, 18 July 2022 at 18:01:45 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> On Monday, 18 July 2022 at 17:45:08 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:
>> Spurious compiler errors, fine, but a compiler update should 
>> not cause a very basic construct like [] to start corrupting 
>> values.
> But this is more of a development process and quality assurance 
> issue than a language design issue.
> The former should adapt to the latter, not the other way around…

I have made a Renderer abstraction, so, in OpenGL terms I have 
been setting my Uniform variables such as `Vector2`, `Vector3`, 
`Vector4`. But importing `math.vector` for just setting those 
variables creates unnecessary dependency, what have I done to 
solve this problem?

void setUniform(string uniformName, float[2] vec);
void setUniform(string uniformName, float[3] vec);
void setUniform(string uniformName, float[4] vec);

What happens if I do:
void setupRenderer() @nogc
     setUniform("Test", [1, 2]);
     setUniform("Test", [1, 2, 3]);
     setUniform("Test", [1, 2, 3, 4]);

Then what it happens?
Error: `@nogc` function `setupRenderer` cannot call non- at nogc 
function `renderer.setUniform`
Error: `@nogc` function `setupRenderer` cannot call non- at nogc 
function `renderer.setUniform`
Error: `@nogc` function `setupRenderer` cannot call non- at nogc 
function `renderer.setUniform`

You guys solution:

import std.array;
void setupRenderer() @nogc
     setUniform("Test", [1, 2].staticArray);
     setUniform("Test", [1, 2, 3].staticArray);
     setUniform("Test", [1, 2, 3, 4].staticArray);

Unnecessary verbosity. That's all I could say. Then, what happens?

onlineapp.d(29): Error: none of the overloads of `setUniform` are 
callable using argument types `(string, int[2])`
onlineapp.d(13):        Candidates are: 
`onlineapp.setUniform(string uniformName, float[2] vec)`
`onlineapp.setUniform(string uniformName, float[3] vec)`
`onlineapp.setUniform(string uniformName, float[4] vec)`
onlineapp.d(30): Error: none of the overloads of `setUniform` are 
callable using argument types `(string, int[3])`
onlineapp.d(13):        Candidates are: 
`onlineapp.setUniform(string uniformName, float[2] vec)`
`onlineapp.setUniform(string uniformName, float[3] vec)`
`onlineapp.setUniform(string uniformName, float[4] vec)`
onlineapp.d(31): Error: none of the overloads of `setUniform` are 
callable using argument types `(string, int[4])`
onlineapp.d(13):        Candidates are: 
`onlineapp.setUniform(string uniformName, float[2] vec)`
`onlineapp.setUniform(string uniformName, float[3] vec)`

So, for solving that, one must either:

`setUniform("Test", [cast(float)1, 2].staticArray);`
Or they need to actually have a float literal in the array.

Actually, I think that could be one of the the worse usecases for 

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