Can D be used for operating system development ?

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at
Thu Jun 2 20:44:38 UTC 2022

On Thursday, 2 June 2022 at 20:36:59 UTC, Jakob Jenkov wrote:
> Is it feasible / practical to use D to develop an operating 
> system from the ground up? Or does the VM / memory management 
> get in the way?

Sure, I've done a few bare metal applications with D in the past 
(most recently, my little webassembly toys use the same 
technique, though webassembly isn't exactly the same on hardware 
level obviously, it still acts as a bare metal target as far as 
plain code goes). In my "D Cookbook" I had two examples, one for 
x86 and one for arm, showing it.

It has gotten easier than it was back then, but you still have to 
do a lot yourself though, but that's true for any kind of OS dev. 
Not something you'd want to take on without already being pretty 
familiar with D, and knowledge its druntime internals help a lot 
if you want to take it to the next level using more language 

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