Using closure in function scope to make "real" private class members

zjh fqbqrr at
Tue Jun 7 08:45:49 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 7 June 2022 at 07:50:27 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

> D should solve its «big» problems and ignore «small problems».

`Hard core` programmers are responsible for `difficult problems`, 
and ordinary people are responsible for `simple problems`.
This is not an unimportant issue. It will destroy the 
As long as it is `' reasonable '` and can meet the `' needs'` of 
different people, it is no big deal to add it. `'d '` needs to 
meet people's `needs` first, and then slowly solve `big or 
difficult` problems.
`Class privacy` is an important and simple problem.
If you solve it, you can attract `c++ users` easily.
`Encapsulation of classes` is essential for me. if `D` don't 
provide it, it just makes me `unhappy `.
If `c++` programmers think so, why do they use d?
Obviously, just adding a piece of code solves the `user's` needs.
The `success` of c++ is to constantly meet the `needs` of 
different people. Look at the latest `rust` and `other 
languages`. Which is not `complicated`? Even `'go'` has added 

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