Using closure in function scope to make "real" private class members

forkit forkit at
Wed Jun 8 07:14:32 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 8 June 2022 at 07:04:48 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> Imagine if you took features away from Haskell, clearly D must 
> have everything Haskell has!  Not to mention Rust or Php!!
> Proof failed, but your line of reasoning does explain why D @is 
> @bleeding @from @1000 @well-meaning @cuts...

Sorry, but what percentage of programmers in the world programmer 
in Haskell?

Is that even a language? ;-)

Compare that to those that programmer in C++, Java, and C#.

i.e. The vast majority of the worlds programmers have compile 
time enforcement of the hidden part of their abstraction. If it 
provides little or no benefit, why is it there?

if 'private(this)' is too much for the D community to handle, 
then ya'll got bigger problems for sure ;-)

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