Why is D unpopular?

forkit forkit at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 00:54:10 UTC 2022

On Friday, 10 June 2022 at 23:36:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> [...]
>> Co-operative mutability, is a major source of bugs - always 
>> has been, always will be (cause it makes it so difficult to 
>> reason about code).
>> Mutable state subverts encapsulation, makes it more difficult 
>> to reason about code, and makes it difficult to scale 
>> 'correct' code.
> [...]
> This sounds like a sales pitch for Haskell. :-P  The logical 
> conclusion of the above line of reasoning is to eliminate 
> mutable state altogether, and for that, Haskell perfectly fits 
> the bill.
> T

C'mon. Please don't do that.

Here is what I actually wrote:

Co-operative mutability, is a major source of bugs - always has 
been, always will be (cause it makes it so difficult to reason 
about code).

Mutable state subverts encapsulation, makes it more difficult to 
reason about code, and makes it difficult to scale 'correct' code.

Mutabilty is certainly 'convenient', and oftne necessary, 
especially in low-level code, but it needs to be approached with 
greater caution than is what demonstrated in D's source code.

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