What I like most AND what I don't like most - about D

harakim harakim at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 23:29:50 UTC 2022

On Sunday, 12 June 2022 at 01:48:43 UTC, forkit wrote:
> So this thread is designed to bring some balance, between being 
> negative about D, and being positive about D.
> To participate, you must (should, since I cannot 'enforce' 
> this) post two things:
> (1) What I like most about D:
> (2) What I dislike most about D:

  Optional memory management, ability to use examples for 
SDL/OpenGL/etc that were written for C (m/l seamless C 
integration), compile time features, arrays and associative 
arrays are very natural unlike in other languages. I actually 
REALLY like immutable transitivity and stuff like that being 
options. When I write D code, it's almost always very clean. It 
feels like C programming, but it's a better C by a long shot.

  Sometimes people paste code on the forum and I can't understand 
what it does. Then some people respond with a bunch of acronyms I 
don't know what they are so I still don't know.
  My previous projects never compile when I come back
  Immutable transitivity is required so sometimes I just want to 
write some code and all of the sudden I'm having to figure out 
what all these extra requirements are.

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