Exploring the philosophy of objects

forkit forkit at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 00:45:11 UTC 2022

This is certainly not another thread about private to the class 

Please, don't try to make it into one.

But I'd encourage everyone, to a least consider, exploring the 
nature of 'objects' from a purely 'philosophical' approach (i.e. 
outside of your programming interests).

If it's not your thing, don't do it ;-)

If you come to the conclusion, its complete nonsense, that is 
your right.

For me, I have a particular understanding of objects (as many 
will now know).

i.e. I have a firm view in the 'autonomous existence' of objects.

It's the basis of my view, of the real world (nothing to do with 

That understanding though, while completely separate from 
programming, is well intergrated into my approach towards 
programming, and I personally believe, my programming is better 
for it, nor worse.

Here is something to get you started, on your journey:

'undermining, and overmining, objects'


There's also a great discussion about this, if you can get your 
hands on it ;-)

The Object Strikes Back: An Interview with Graham Harman.


If you don't know who he is:


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